lundi 31 janvier 2005

French BIG BROTHER AWARDS pour la France

Paris, january 22th 2005- The fifth edition of the french Big Brother Awards ended on January 21th 2005. 7 Orwell and 2 Voltaire prizes were publicly awarded to last years's surveillance champions.
The jury, composed of academics, magistrate, lawyers, journalist, free software and media advocates, writers and artist, gathered by Privacy International to honor projects, institutions or firms who have struck a blow in privacy or neglected to protect it. 30 "Orwell" prizes were nominated, as well as 7 Voltaire contestants, which recognize the efforts of those who fight for privacy, liberty and against "Big Brothers".
HERE to see in English the list of French Big Brothers Awards for 2005.

Depuis cinq ans des prix sont décernés aux élus, responsables politiques ou dirigeants d'entreprises qui se sont particulièrement illustrés en développant des applications des technologies de l'information menaçant la vie privée et/ou les libertés individuelles.
On trouvera la
liste des lauréats français ICI.

C'est fou le nombre de petits Big Brothers qui nous entoure! Ouvrez l'oeil.
Et merci à Privacy International pour leur action.